• April 2021

    A Good Gift

    We have a grandson who is nine years old today. His mom and dad are throwing a party, and we are looking forward to the celebration and the gift giving. Mind you, coming up with the something that would expressly please a nine-year-old boy seemed a bit daunting, until my husband (a.k.a.Papa) hit upon what we hope to be simply the best gift ever: a three-man tent for camping. Now this tent did not come from the local mart. It did not come shipped from a warehouse. This tent came from Papa’s storage room. It is the same tent he has camped in for the last 20 years. Of course,…

  • April 2021

    Don’t Settle

    One of my hearing aids quit working. About five weeks ago I could not get my right hearing device to turn on. And, as I did not have time to trouble shoot that morning, I went to work without them. I had some minor frustration during the day, especially during interactions that involved masks and distancing, but overall, not terrible. Over the next several days I tried a number of different things to see if I could get the tiny electronic device to work. All to no avail. Since my audiologist is in another town, making time for repairs is a bit of a challenge. Additionally, I’ve been putting in…

  • April 2021

    Casting Hindrance Aside

    Writer’s block is a real thing. The blank page can be intimidating and somewhat paralyzing. Pushing through this wall takes determination and courage, and if you’re a writer, you know exactly what I’m talking about. There is that moment when you are absolutely convinced that no matter how effervescent you’ve been in the past, no matter how readily the words have tumbled out, the well is now completely dry and no more water will come gushing or even trickling forth. You lose faith in the source. The same, I think, can be true in our prayer life. You come to a place, a season, when it seems harder than ever…

  • April 2021

    Resurrection Power

    One of my nieces just gave birth to her fourth son. Our rather large extended family could not imagine a more wonderful expression of God’s promises to us as we gathered to celebrate Easter today. New life has a way of enlarging our vision, filling us with new expectations. A brand new person is now entering into the purposes of God in our family, and we extend the borders and welcome him into our midst. I cannot help but wonder if we are experiencing a small measure of the joy that fills heaven when a new believer in Christ joins the family of God. The Kingdom of God advances with…

  • March 2021


    Life can sometimes throw you a curve ball. For those readers who may not be Base Ball aficionados, a curve ball is one that looks like it’s headed straight for the strike zone but in the last instant it veers away. The intent of the pitcher throwing said curve ball is to trick the batter into swinging at a ball he or she will likely miss. As the batter swings, with a great deal of force, there is that surprising moment when the bat comes around and does not make contact with the ball at all. I’m not sure if you’ve ever felt like that batter, waiting for the pitch…

  • March 2021

    Peace Like a River

    We had lunch with friends today. We don’t see them as often as we’d like, but today after church that spontaneous thing happened, and we found ourselves talking, laughing and enjoying each other’s company over juicy hamburgers, fries and onion rings. If you are a nutritionist, please accept my apologies for grossing you out. The point is, the time we shared with these dear friends was like water from an effervescent fountain to our parched and weary souls. Isn’t God so good to place us in community with those who share our love for Him and whose testimony of Him encourages the heart and eases the mind. Peace really is…

  • March 2021

    All Creation Worships Him

    My husband and I are hopeful the Humming birds will return again this year. Our feeders are clean and full of nectar and waiting for the tiny, brilliant things to discover this source of nourishment and energy. Theirs is a fascinating rhythm of day-time aerial dancing and night-time hibernation. And while we prepare to delight in their return, I am grateful for this moment of reflection. Spring begins to unfold, and creation seems to let out one big sigh of contentment that the moment of birth and bloom has arrived. One can almost feel the power of new life bursting forth as “all creation worships Him.” This seemingly spontaneous eruption…

  • March 2021

    Master Gardener

    My peach tree is blooming.  This harbinger of new beginnings should be a joyous happening, but I find my happiness tinged every so slightly with a measure of  sorrow.  It is early March, and the season holds more freezing temperatures before the true onset of Spring.  Experience has taught me that too early a bloom before the final frost can dim the full potential of Springtime glory.   Isn’t that the way of this world?  Gladness with sad borders.  Fragile hope that hides fear in its pocket.  We are so accustomed to this mixture, this order, I’m not sure we are always aware when our happiness isn’t deep contentment and our…

  • February 2021

    Patient Longing

    I find myself overwhelmed at the patient longing of God for my heart to be wholly His. Isaiah 30:18 says, “Therefore the Lord longs to be gracious to you, and therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you. For the Lord is a God of justice; how blessed are all those who long for Him.” This truth penetrates me, and I want it to take root and grow something worthy of Him. His heart is so good, and His intentions are so kind. According to Ephesians 1:5, “He predestined and lovingly planned for us to be adopted to Himself as His own children through Jesus Christ, in accordance with the kind intention and good pleasure of His will.”…

  • February 2021


    Yesterday we had a coming-of-age party for my niece, similar to a bat mitzvah in the Jewish tradition. It was a small family affair with some of the women in our family, and the ages ranged from nearly 80 to barely 3 months. Usually, at these kinds of events there’s an outpouring of learned wisdom and counsel for the young woman who is entering adulthood, but thanks to her older cousin who had planned the event we were encouraged, each one, to focus on her young person and relate to her those things about her character that we value and admire. She is a remarkable young woman with a true…