March 2021

Master Gardener

My peach tree is blooming.  This harbinger of new beginnings should be a joyous happening, but I find my happiness tinged every so slightly with a measure of  sorrow.  It is early March, and the season holds more freezing temperatures before the true onset of Spring.  Experience has taught me that too early a bloom before the final frost can dim the full potential of Springtime glory.  

Isn’t that the way of this world?  Gladness with sad borders.  Fragile hope that hides fear in its pocket.  We are so accustomed to this mixture, this order, I’m not sure we are always aware when our happiness isn’t deep contentment and our hope isn’t steadfast and secure.  Perhaps we settle for less because we don’t believe there is more.  

Is it possible to believe without reservation, hope without scheming, and love completely unconditionally?  My soul cries out for this conviction of truth.  When I become weary of holding myself together and realize I’ve allowed falsehoods to enter my heart and my mind about who God really is, I must renew my mind in the truth of His word and refresh my heart in His dear presence.  

“As the deer pants for the water brooks, so my soul pants for You, God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.”  (Psalm 42:1-2a NASB)

Thank you, Father, for reminding me of your nearness, and for allowing me to come to you just as a I am…every time. You are a good Father, and your own dear Son is my sweet Savior. I’m so glad to be able to hear your voice and know that all your promises are true. You have promised to perfect all things concerning me, and I trust your ways and your heart. Be it unto me according to your word, and may all the fruit you harvest from the work you do in my heart bring glory and honor to your great name. In Jesus’ name, amen.

So, dear reader, will my peach tree be at it’s best this year? Why, of course it will. The Master Gardener has already ordained what it should be, and whether brilliant or subdued, all will be as He intended. I pray that you find rest in His kind intention and receive from Him what He has purposed for you, whatever it may be.

Until next week, fellow so-journer, seek Him with your whole heart, and find refreshing for your soul.

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