March 2021

Peace Like a River

We had lunch with friends today. We don’t see them as often as we’d like, but today after church that spontaneous thing happened, and we found ourselves talking, laughing and enjoying each other’s company over juicy hamburgers, fries and onion rings. If you are a nutritionist, please accept my apologies for grossing you out. The point is, the time we shared with these dear friends was like water from an effervescent fountain to our parched and weary souls.

Isn’t God so good to place us in community with those who share our love for Him and whose testimony of Him encourages the heart and eases the mind. Peace really is like a river. It flows and eddies, refreshes and restores, and it carries you along as in the arms of One who knows where He’s taking you.

I am grateful for the moment of refreshing, and as I sit here thinking of you, dear reader, I am praying that you, too, have friends who encourage and who come alongside to share your journey. Because it is a journey that is meant to be shared. He intended we would be a family, earnestly loving each other, praying for each other, carrying each other’s burdens and seeking peace. His desire is peace. After all, it was Heaven’s proclamation at His coming: “Peace on Earth, and goodwill toward men.”

Scripture tells us Jesus is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). It also tells us that the peace of God is beyond understanding and that it guards our hearts (Philippians 4:7). You know you’ve experienced this peace when everything you know in your human understanding is telling you, “Danger. Alarm. Be very afraid;” and yet, your soul is at rest, your mind is not anxious, and your heart is calm within. In these times, He has led you beside still waters and whispered to your soul, “Peace; be still.” And this peace is a bulwark of security that guards your heart in tumultuous and chaotic circumstances. It guards against bitterness, resentment, fear and anxiety. This peace rules in the heart that is entirely committed to serving its King.

Dear Father, let peace like a river wash over my soul. May troubles fade from my anxious mind, as I ponder your goodness and your mercy. I am yours, and I believe all your promises and desire to heed all your commandments, because your rod and your staff comfort me. I am safe in your arms, and no thing can separate me from your great love. Thank you for the dear saints you’ve allowed to come alongside me in my journey. They always remind me of your faithfulness, and my heart is strengthened by their testimony of faith. Bless them, each one, and make your face to shine upon them. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Until next week, fellow so-journer, let His peace flow like a river in your heart.

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