March 2021

  • March 2021


    Life can sometimes throw you a curve ball. For those readers who may not be Base Ball aficionados, a curve ball is one that looks like it’s headed straight for the strike zone but in the last instant it veers away. The intent of the pitcher throwing said curve ball is to trick the batter into swinging at a ball he or she will likely miss. As the batter swings, with a great deal of force, there is that surprising moment when the bat comes around and does not make contact with the ball at all. I’m not sure if you’ve ever felt like that batter, waiting for the pitch…

  • March 2021

    Peace Like a River

    We had lunch with friends today. We don’t see them as often as we’d like, but today after church that spontaneous thing happened, and we found ourselves talking, laughing and enjoying each other’s company over juicy hamburgers, fries and onion rings. If you are a nutritionist, please accept my apologies for grossing you out. The point is, the time we shared with these dear friends was like water from an effervescent fountain to our parched and weary souls. Isn’t God so good to place us in community with those who share our love for Him and whose testimony of Him encourages the heart and eases the mind. Peace really is…

  • March 2021

    All Creation Worships Him

    My husband and I are hopeful the Humming birds will return again this year. Our feeders are clean and full of nectar and waiting for the tiny, brilliant things to discover this source of nourishment and energy. Theirs is a fascinating rhythm of day-time aerial dancing and night-time hibernation. And while we prepare to delight in their return, I am grateful for this moment of reflection. Spring begins to unfold, and creation seems to let out one big sigh of contentment that the moment of birth and bloom has arrived. One can almost feel the power of new life bursting forth as “all creation worships Him.” This seemingly spontaneous eruption…

  • March 2021

    Master Gardener

    My peach tree is blooming.  This harbinger of new beginnings should be a joyous happening, but I find my happiness tinged every so slightly with a measure of  sorrow.  It is early March, and the season holds more freezing temperatures before the true onset of Spring.  Experience has taught me that too early a bloom before the final frost can dim the full potential of Springtime glory.   Isn’t that the way of this world?  Gladness with sad borders.  Fragile hope that hides fear in its pocket.  We are so accustomed to this mixture, this order, I’m not sure we are always aware when our happiness isn’t deep contentment and our…