• May 2020

    A Life-Long Student

    My mother has been a champion of the under appreciated, the lost and forlorn, and the unloved her entire life. It is not a cause for her, but rather it stems from her ability and desire to see the worth and value in a person. She is always looking with keen interest at the people God puts in her path. I believe she has lived a life of evangelism in this way, and we will not know until we are on the other side what is the measure of her life of interest and care for others. She has laughed with them, cried with them, been angered on their behalf,…

  • May 2020


    Do you ever feel that you’ve lost substance, that you are “thin”? I’m reminded of that saying, “He’s just a shadow of his former self.” What gives us substance? The dictionary defines substance: essential nature; ultimate reality that underlies all outward manifestations and change; practical importance, meaning, usefulness. For me, this loss of substance, or the sense of it, is usually perpetrated by a lack of purpose. Like I’m just going through the motions, or not much that I’m doing really matters. The antidote? Faith. Faith in the One Who holds all things together by the Word of His power (Hebrews 1:3). Scripture tells us that faith is a gift…

  • April 2020


    One of my favorite words is “until.” It’s a word of hope and promise and also of direction. It’s a word that can pull you forward while at the same time setting your course and direction. We often say to each other “until we meet again,” holding out the promise of that future togetherness. Or, we might say to a child, “carry on with these activities until I come back,” giving direction and purpose to be held accountable in light of the promised return. When Jesus was sharing the passover meal with his disciples on the night of His arrest, He said to them, “I won’t partake of this again,…

  • April 2020

    The Dance

    There is a reason that God made daytime and nighttime. He set up the order of our world before He set us in it. You often hear about the need we have for balance in our lives, and Im sure there is truth in that. I prefer the word “rhythm.” That’s probably because I’m more of a musician or a poet than an athlete. Life is a dance, and rhythm is where the rest is. Anticipation is part of achieving rhythm. Knowing where she will step next before she steps is what gives a dancer that look of ease. Embracing the rhythm brings rest and confidence. There are a couple…

  • April 2020

    Door of Hope

    Yesterday morning as I was sitting with my coffee and watching the sun rise, I was suddenly filled with Hope. It was so much more than a sense of well-being. I was encouraged, strengthened, filled with joy. I felt that someone must be praying for me right at that moment. Then Jesus whispered gently to my heart, “I love you, and I am here.” I felt a little sheepish that my first thought had been that someone else was praying, although I am still sure that is the case. In the end, Jesus had to declare Himself. But isn’t that His way? He is so willing to make Himself known.…

  • April 2020

    Lord, I Need You

    I am so very aware of my need right now. I bet you are, too. When things are going smoothly, I can be lulled into feeling secure and confident in my own abilities. In other words, “Me do it myself,” as my toddlers were wont to say long ago when they were struggling to assert themselves. I’ve walked with the Lord for more than half a century, and the further we go together, the less I know, the less sure I am of myself, and the sooner I’m likely to come running to my Father with a cry for help. Learning to relish this child-to-Father relationship and accepting that it…

  • March 2020


    The ocean has a profound affect on me, and those who know me know that there is almost nothing I love so much as going down to the shore. I grew up making annual trips to the beach and learned both to delight in the wind and the surf and to respect the power and unpredictability of them. So you will understand that one of my favorite moments in recorded history is when Jesus called Peter out of the boat to walk among the waves with Him. I’m grateful for Peter’s place in God’s story. It gives me so much hope. Peter was impetuous, sometimes awkward, and often beyond himself.…

  • March 2020


    Life looks different for us today than it did even a week ago. For the first time, our church service was held via live-stream, and we did not gather as a community in the traditional sense. Thanks to the current technology available to us, we were able to participate together online. We did not forsake the gathering of the saints, even if our “gathering” was virtual. Strange? Yes. Challenging? In some ways. Inspiring? Absolutely. These are difficult and uncertain times. People everywhere are reevaluating priorities and learning to live with new limitations. Sickness and tragedy are likely outcomes for many. So why inspiring? Because the Church has an unprecedented opportunity…

  • March 2020

    God Speaks – Still

    Our entire world and being exist because God speaks. “And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light.” (Genesis 1:2) Hebrews 1:1 and 2 says, “In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe.” Our very existence is a context for the language of God. We know that He created the world and us for His own pleasure, and we know that He wants a relationship with us. Jesus taught His disciples to pray so that…

  • March 2020

    Renewed Fellowship

    Have you ever disappointed yourself? Ever wished you had done or said things differently? If you are like I am, you spend a fair amount of time kicking yourself mentally and emotionally. Then you move on to convincing yourself you’ll do better next time. You might even look for an opportunity to try and “make it right.” At some point, you may even talk to God about it, and ask Him to help you “become a better person.” My question for us is this: what is godly sorrow; how do we find repentance? I’m pretty sure that being disappointed in myself is not godly sorrow, and hoping I’ll find in…