• April 2022


    I have a corner office with two walls of windows. It is situated so that my chair faces the rising sun when I am working at my computer, and there is a tiny cut-glass elephant sitting on the shelf next to my monitors. When the morning sun streams in, the light catches the small facets of glass and dozens of small rainbow squares bounce on the tall cabinet standing in the corner next to my left shoulder. This simple delight never fails to bring a smile to my face, and I often pause long enough to thank God for the place He has given me and the people with whom…

  • April 2022

    The Gift

    I came home from work on Friday to find several vases of fresh flowers placed around the living room and kitchen. Sometimes sending your husband to do the grocery shopping has unexpected benefits. I was charmed by his thoughtfulness and the obvious romantic overture and consequently resisted the urge to rearrange the flora to my aesthetic preference. As I sit here now, within eyesight of two of the vases, I realize that a couple of the Gerber Daises have drooping heads due to the fact that he tossed the green plastic tubes which had been included in the original bunch to keep them straight. The smile that curves my lips…

  • March 2022


    I heard something today, and it has caused me to pause and think. The moderator of our church service (who also happens to be my little brother) spoke for a few minutes about a recent encounter with the Lord during his Bible reading. He was reading through some verses in John 3 when he came to the one that may be the most well-known, even among non-believers: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son….” At this point, he felt God stop him and ask, “Why?” The question is intriguing. Why would God choose marred and chipped vessels and then pay considerably above market price for…

  • March 2022

    Shadow and Light

    Spring has officially sprung. My Cherry trees are bursting with bloom, the Blue Martins have arrived and staked out possession of the bird house, and the sheen of pollen is covering everything. Depending on where you live, pollen may not be a topic of conversation like it is here in the South. Where I live, we check the “pollen count” almost every day between March 1st and May 1st. If you do not suffer from allergies, please count yourself among the blessed and let gratitude fill your heart. The irritation that some humans endure during this season of pollenation can be mitigated, however, by embracing the beauty of the fertile…

  • March 2022

    Out of the Wilderness

    I have been in the wilderness of post-surgery that some call “recovery.” Not having much experience in this terrain, I have discovered some unexpected truths about myself. I am not as independent as I thought, nor am I as prone to self-pity as I feared. These two things may seem diametrically opposed, but allow me a moment to shed some light. I think I have often equated independence with dignity, and there is nothing like needing physical care of the most undignified kind to reveal the errancy of this view. In “recovery,” there is a great deal of focus on managing pain, conserving energy, and accepting the reality of physical…

  • March 2022

    A Holy Moment

    Some moments are so holy they are difficult to describe. One even wonders if they should be. I am going to attempt to tell you of such an event, simply because I’m not sure I could speak of anything else. Today my husband and I served as one of the teams administering Communion in our Sunday morning service. It is a high privilege to serve our community in this way, and one that is always both lofty and weighty. At the end of the service, once invited, the congregation comes in family groups and sometimes larger groups to one of several couples to receive prayer and to partake together of…

  • February 2022


    God is good. God is kind. There are so many memories I have of His kindness to me, and I’ve often felt that these small and great gifts don’t have as much to do with His grand Kingdom purpose as they do with the reality that it is simply in His nature to be good and kind. Since I see only dimly and only in part, it is possible these loving acts toward me are part of something bigger that I cannot begin to comprehend, but as His child, I’m grateful for His tenderness and His intimate knowledge of me. Beauty and wonder are gifts I receive from Him that…

  • February 2022

    A Life Song

    I have a friend who is dying. That is to say, her outer man is perishing while her inner man is preparing to go home. Her life here has been long, full and rich in every blessing. Truly, her life song is one of victory in Christ. I am confident that she will hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into your Master’s happiness.” At this point in my life, I have a good number of treasures in heaven: those who have left a rich deposit in my life and who are now in their eternal rest and at home with the Father. I am intrigued by the reality…

  • February 2022

    In Secret

    We are preparing for the Humming Birds to return this year. We’ve prepared the nectar, cleaned the feeder and hung it on the hook that has been unadorned all winter. There is something about the preparing that heightens anticipation. I find myself remembering the beauty and the antics of the ones who’ve stayed the Spring and Summer with us in years past, and wondering what new delights await us this year. Even as I sit by my crackling fire, I can see the first evidences of Spring. There are trees just beginning to bud, and there is something in the cool air hinting of warmer days to come. Yes, I…

  • February 2022

    A Little Talent

    I have a young niece who is developing her talent for acting. As her desire is to please the Lord, she and her parents are paying attention to how the Lord’s favor is opening doors for her, and they are watching for signs of His encouragement. I have seen her in various roles over the last few years, and it is indeed obvious that God has given her an aptitude for the craft. It remains to be seen what His ultimate plans and purposes are, but for now we are charmed to see His careful attention to the cultivation of this expression of creativity. He is, after all, Creator God.…