A Will And A Way
“Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” This well-known comment upon the human condition is typically referenced amidst the challenge of getting what one wants in spite of difficulty or opposition. It indicates that strength and focus of desire can overcome almost any obstacle. In our everyday lives, it typically comes down to what we give first priority. If it’s important enough to us, we give all our energy and resource to making it happen.
When we live only for ourselves, we cajole, manipulate, dismiss opposing opinion, and neglect responsibility in order to realize a momentary gratification. This kind of desire ultimately implodes, leaving a wasteland in the heart. When we live beyond ourselves, we consider, attend, commit, and embrace, and this desire expands, grows and multiplies in the beauty of family and community who are living with vision and purpose.
Jesus’ desire toward us is that we respond to His invitation, turning from what is destructive and turning to Himself, the only one who can meet all our desire. We call this repentance. A place where we see God in all His holiness and see ourselves for who we really are. We are often met at the door of repentance by the accuser who says we’ll only invite shame if we continue. Jesus does not offer shame, however. He offers forgiveness. Sweet grace and mercy are in His arms, if only we will believe.
Yes, we do have to completely and sincerely turn away from our own selfish desire in order to turn completely and sincerely toward our Savior and His compassion. With our will, we cling to what is true. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6 NKJV) We cannot make our own way, and we cannot be happy on our own. We were created for more. We were created for Him. In His will is the only way.
Dear one, as we enter the second week of Advent, take time to examine your heart and make a habit of repentance. This most intimate of interactions with Him is greatly to be desired. He is worth it.
Father, forgive us for turning to our own way and depending on our own strength. Today, when there is so much information and so many voices clamoring for our attention, we pause to acknowledge You and Your right to our allegiance. You have promised to make straight paths for us, if we will acknowledge You in all our ways (Proverbs 3:6). We repent for moving about in our own knowledge and understanding without giving You the honor of attending to Your will and Your way. And we receive what You have for us. Make room for Yourself in our hearts, so that we are moved by Your grace and compassion. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Until next week, beloved, turn to Him and let His will become your desire.