Strength Will Rise
These are uncertain times, and we are witnessing the harsh reality of our broken world in the midst of hardship, divided interests, heartbreak and tragedy. It is tempting to become despairing in the face of such sin sickness, tempting even to become disillusioned and hopeless, or bitter and angry.
Peter tells us in 1 Peter 4 not to be surprised by the fiery trial among us, but rather fellowship Christ with an understanding of His suffering and keep on rejoicing so that we may see the glory of God (my paraphrase). Waiting on the Lord in the midst of difficulty and uncertainty and chaos requires faith and hope. Faith in His strength and hope He will deliver. Faith in the power of His love and hope He will heal our brokenness. Faith in His sovereign authority and hope He will bring peace.
“….those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary.” Isaiah 40:31 NASB One of the ways I know for certain that I am truly waiting on the Lord and not something or someone else is a sense of renewed strength to carry on. There are times when the revelation of His presence with me lifts me up above my situation. There are times when strength and energy put a fire under my feet and I can keep going in the midst of challenges without giving up. Then there are times when I have just enough to keep putting one foot in front of the other without despairing. I’m glad for this verse of scripture, because it tells me that whether I am soaring, running, or plodding, I can do so with the strength and courage that come from waiting expectantly and looking eagerly for Him.
Are you tired or weary? Are you carrying a heavy burden of grief or despair? Wait on the Lord. Not in apathy, but in eager hope. Believe He can revive you, and you will know it is He when He does. Believe He can heal broken hearts, and you will see His glory when He does. Believe He is ruling with authority from His rightful place as King of all kings and Lord of all lords, and you will have peace like a river.
Let this song bring you into His presence where you can worship Him for who He is and receive the gift of strength He is offering.
Until next week, fellow citizen of heaven, walk in the strength of the Lord with peace in your heart.